Sunday, May 16, 2010

My First Summer in Sierra

“July 5- The clouds of noon on the high Sierra seem yet more marvelously, indescribably beautiful from day to day as one becomes more wakeful to see them. The smoke of the gunpowder burned yesterday on the lowlands, and the eloquence of the orators has probably settled or been blown away by this time. Here every day is a holiday, a jubilee ever sounding with serene enthusiasm, without fear or waste or cloying weariness. Everything rejoicing. Not a single cell or crystal unvisited or forgotten.” (“My First Summer in Sierra”, John Muir pg, 28)

I absolutely loved reading Muir’s work, his lightheartedness brings a smile to me as I picture him side by side with his dog carlo who was on lone to him. This quote compasses his whole attitude throughout the entire book. He usually starts every entry on a positive note and makes sure to acknowledge and give wonder to even the smallest of things. I chose this quote specifically because it outlines Muir’s general feelings of his experiences. He does in fact make every day a holiday and a jubilee and his surroundings to him seem more beautiful from day to day. It is this lightheartedness that has made me want to delve deeper into Muir’s work as I try to emulate the same feelings he expressed in the sierra to my everyday life.

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