Friday, May 14, 2010

Exploration of the Colorado River

“These people built their shelters of boughs and bark, and to some extent lived in tents made of the skins of animals. They never cultivated the soil, but gathered wild seeds and roots and were famous hunters and fishermen. As the region abounds in game, these tribes have always been well clad in skins and furs. The men wore blouse, loincloth leggings, moccasins, and the women dressed in short kilts. It is curious to notice the effect which the contact of civilization has had upon these women’s dress. Even twenty years ago they had lengthened their skirts…were worn so long that they trailed to the ground”. (on the Ute tribes of the shoshonean family of Indians, “The Exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyons”, John Wesley Powell )

I think it’s funny and interesting to see that Powell showed the most curiosity in the women’s changing fashion. Reason being is because, truth be told, Powell’s writing style is a bit boring for me. Usually he goes into complete meticulous detail of every last thing he sees, which I understand is only natural seeing as how it’s an “exploration” of the Colorado River, but that doesn’t necessarily means it has to be dull. Look at the very beginning of the passage; he goes on and on describing the Ute’s living conditions as he normally goes on describing everything else. Then right after he notices they have short kilts is when we hear a bit of his thoughts and wonder at how civilization has had an influence on these people. I am in no way saying that he liked how they looked and wanted to do more than just explore, I am merely stating that, it seems to me that after all he’s seen and been through; places seem not to surprise him anymore. On the other hand it seems that people are still capable of causing him curiosity.

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